报告题目:Meme Stocks and Individual Investor Trading: Evidence from Reddit Outages
报告地点:腾讯会议(会议ID:566 577 540)
主办单位:bet365手机网址-bet365中文app 辽宁省资本市场财务与会计研究生创新与学术交流中心
During exogenous outages of Reddit, the predictability of retail order imbalance on future stock returns for meme stocks (i.e., stocks discussed extremely enthusiastically in the subreddit wallstreetbets) increases dramatically. This result is robust to various model specifications. The improved predictability is stronger for stocks discussed more fanatically before the outages, especially when influencers endorse fanatic views. Our results suggest that trading meme stocks disadvantage individual investors as fanatic discussions disrupt their investment decisions. Our findings cannot be explained by the drop in attention on Reddit. The overall market quality, such as return volatility and stock liquidity, does not change significantly.
郑杲娉,澳大利亚皇家墨尔本理工大学(RMIT University)金融系助理教授,西南财经大学会计学学士,清华大学经济管理学院会计学博士,曾在西南财经大学bet365手机网址 任职长聘副教授,于2020年加入澳大利亚皇家墨尔本理工大学,讲授财务报表分析和行为金融学课程。她的研究领域主要涉及公司金融、公司治理和行为金融,研究成果发表于Journal of Financial Economics、Journal of Management Accounting Research、Journal of Banking and Finance及《会计研究》《金融研究》《南开管理评论》等国内外顶级期刊,并主持国家自然科学基金、教育部人文社科青年基金、澳大利亚与新西兰会计与金融协会科研基金等国内外重要基金课题。她在教学方面多次获得嘉奖,包括RMIT CoBL Learning & Teaching 影响力奖、RMIT经济金融与市场营销学院教育奖、西南财经大学青年教师教学大赛三等奖等。