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多个 SSCI 收录期刊匿名审稿人,包括但不限于:Journal of Business Ethics, Applied Economics, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade等
[1] Du, X., Xiao, L., & Du, Y. (2023). Does CEO-Auditor Dialect Connectedness Trigger Audit Opinion Shopping? Evidence from China. Journal of Business Ethics, 184, 391-426.
[2] Gong, G., Xiao, L., Xu, S., & Gong, X.(2019). Do Bond Investors Care About Engagement Auditors' Negative Experiences? Evidence from China. Journal of Business Ethics, 158(3), 779-806.
[3] 杜兴强,肖亮,林峤. 生于干旱,未雨绸缪:CEO 童年干旱经历能否提升公司水资源保护绩效. 管理科学学报, 2023, 26(07), 106-132.