报告题目:State Ownership, Asset Prices, and Monetary Policy Transmission: A Tale of Two Sectors
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We study the role of firm heterogeneity in state-ownership and productivity in monetary policy transmission in China. We develop and estimate a dynamic model with heterogeneous firms state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and private-owned enterprises (POEs), monetary supply shocks, and financial frictions. We show that firm's responses to monetary supply shocks and risk premiums vary substantially both within and across SOEs and POEs, consistent with the data. Through counterfactual analysis, we show that more severe frictions in accessing debt markets for POEs exacerbates capital misallocation in times of contractionary monetary shocks, leading to sizable losses in aggregate productivity and output.
林晓骥,明尼苏达大学金融学讲席教授(US Bancorp Professor in Financial Markets and Institutions Professor of Finance)。博士毕业于美国明尼苏达大学金融学专业,曾任职于伦敦政治经济学院及俄亥俄州立大学。他的学术贡献主要集中在资产定价理论与实证、劳动经济学、公司金融及金融中介领域。在顶级学术期刊如《政治经济学杂志》(JPE)、《美国经济评论》(AER)、《管理科学》(MS)和《金融研究评论》(RFS)等发表了多篇具有影响力的论文,涵盖了公司融资、不确定性动态、技术采用对资产定价的影响等前沿主题。曾担任美国西部金融协会(WFA)副主席和美国中西部金融协会(MWFA)轮值主席,并是多家国际金融学术会议的学术委员会委员。研究多次在AFA、NBER、WFA等顶级学术会议上发表,展现了其在金融经济学领域的重要学术地位和影响力。他还获得了多项学术荣誉,包括2021年的卡尔森杰出研究奖,以及西方金融协会(WFA)Trefftzs最佳博士论文奖等。